Principals/Vice-Principals (P/VP)

Learning Centre

Make sure your beneficiary information is up-to-date

When you joined the ONE-T plan, you were asked to name a beneficiary for your life and AD&D insurance. Is your beneficiary still accurate?

A beneficiary is the person (or people) who will receive your benefit if you die. By naming them, the insurance company can pay the benefit directly to your beneficiary, without the delay of first settling your estate and paying probate fees.

The beneficiary that you’ve named may still be the right person; however, it’s good practice to review your choice(s) every so often to make sure it’s still the right fit for your future wishes.

Action: Learn more about naming beneficiaries and how to update them on the ONE-T website.

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Plan updates

Starting September 1, 2024, there will be several Plan changes for P/VP Members that will help maintain an affordable and sustainable Plan.

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